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The complex solution as a new approach: despite the high level of technological development, we still face various challenges...

Nexigreen – environmental and human protection

Nexigreen's mission is to innovate the healthy environment of public spaces. For more than 10 years, our team has been creating and implementing effective innovative solutions to ensure pathogenic safety and protect the health of users.

Our products are created taking into account Nexigreen's extensive research, international experience of leading countries and global scientific backlog in the field of providing a favorable and safe environment. The company's competencies allow us to develop unique disinfection equipment, software and solutions in the field of chemistry.

  • Automatic disinfection of surfaces and air
  • Water treatment solutions
  • Increasing the shelf life of vegetables
  • Mold and fungi deactivation
Our products
Diostrike – one of the safest, fastest and most effective disinfectants used against all socially significant infections.
Our technology is extremely efficient and effective, easy to apply,
mobile and with low space requirements.
How it works